logotipo slafes 2024
Dr. Liliana Arrachea


Physics Department, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Prof. Liliana Arrachea (Physics Department, UBA, Argentina) has made significant contributions to the understanding of quantum transport and topological quantum matter. Her academic journey is marked by a series of influential papers, with highlights such as her 2005 work on the Green-function approach to quantum pumps, which has been cited over 175 times to this date. She has explored the relationship between scattering-matrix and Keldysh formalisms in quantum transport driven by time-periodic fields, and her insights into the exact solution of a Hubbard chain with bond-charge interaction have garnered widespread recognition. Her research delves into the dynamics of energy transfer in ac-driven quantum systems, the thermodynamics of nanoscale engines, and the adiabatic response of quantum thermoelectrics. Her work on triplet superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional systems and the thermal transport in spin heterostructures highlights her diverse expertise, showing a consistent focus on the interplay between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics in her research.

logotipo slafes 2024

Barranquilla, Colombia
23 to 26 October 2024
Universidad del Atlántico, Sede Norte


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