logotipo slafes 2024
Dr. Caio Lewenkopf


Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil.

Prof. Caio Lewenkopf is a distinguished scientist at Universidade Federal Fluminense, he has made significant contributions to condensed matter physics. His academic work spans various topics, including conductance quantization and transport gaps in disordered graphene nanoribbons, eigenmode distribution in superconducting stadium billiards, and the recursive Green's function method for graphene. Dr. Lewenkopf's research also delves into quantum chaotic scattering, electronic transport in graphene, and the optical conductivity in MoS monolayers. His studies on quantum transport through ballistic cavities and universal transport properties of open microwave cavities further highlight his broad expertise and reflect his active contribution to the field of condensed matter physics.

logotipo slafes 2024

Barranquilla, Colombia
23 to 26 October 2024
Universidad del Atlántico, Sede Norte


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