As a Condensed Matter physicist, Prof. Llois has displayed a remarkable activity throughout her career. She has produced a large output of scientific work along with the training of students and held university and institutional management positions as well. Her research, and that of her working group, was nurtured by a strong theoretical-experimental interaction, facing the challenge of interpreting and explaining experimental results and properties of a wide variety of complex and low-dimensional systems and materials. Her research activity focused on the electronic, magnetic, and transport properties of materials with complex and low-dimensional structures. In the early 90s, she began to work on transition metal multilayers, thin films, and clusters, later expanding to quantum confinement effects and spin-polarized and tunnel transport through metal/semiconductor heterostructures. In the last decade, her focus shifted to the electronic and magnetic properties of 2D materials, particularly thin films and nanostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides, as well as complex oxides. Prof. Llois is currently the Vice President of the University of San Martín, UNSAM.